About Us

Picture of a youth intern with Mayor Brandon M. Scott 

The purpose of the Youth Commission is to allow youth the opportunity to provide advice, recommendations, and information for the Mayor, the City Council, and municipal agencies on the development of community and government policies, programs, and services that support children, youth, and their families.

The Youth Commission is comprised of 17 members. The 17 members include one young person from each of the 14 Council districts and 3 at-large seats. At least 1 member will be a graduate of a non-traditional educational program. The young people representing the 14 Council districts will be appointed by the Mayor. The young people in the 3 at-large positions will be recommended by the City Council President. Each voting member MUST be a resident of Baltimore City.

Youth Commission Duties

The Youth Commissioners will work together to accomplish these tasks:

  1. Create and deliver a year-end annual report on commission activities to the Mayor and City Council; 
  2. Review resources available to children and youth and provide feedback regarding effectiveness to the respective resource administrator; 
  3. Host and participate in public forums with and about children and youth; 
  4. Advocate for resources for children and youth; 
  5. Make recommendations for programs, policies, procedures, or legislation deemed necessary to promote the well-being of children, youth, and their families; 
  6. Raise awareness of resources available to children, youth, and their families; and 
  7. Review and evaluate existing and proposed policies, programs, and legislation as they relate to the well-being of children, youth and their families. 
  8. Create by-laws to govern its meetings and operations

Youth Commission Time Commitment/Schedule

  • All voting members of the Youth Commission will serve for a term which expires at the end of the Mayor’s term. At the completion of the term the voting member will continue to serve until a successor is appointed.
  • Members of the commission will be compensated for their time. All Youth Commissioners MUST be residents of Baltimore City.
  • A member can only serve a maximum of 2 terms
  • The Commission will meet as frequently as required to perform its duties but not less than 1 time per month